(Turin, 1938) Rai TV correspondent in North and South America for more than forty years, directed several current affairs programmes and documentaries with cultural and social themes, telling the story of characters such as Muhammad Ali (UNA STORIA AMERICANA), Diego Maradona (NON SAR̉ MAI UN UOMO COMUNE) and of legendary figures from the world of jazz, rock and the Latin American tradition. His many works include the documentary about Sergio Leone, with the participation of Clint Eastwood, Ennio Morricone, Robert De Niro and Claudia Cardinale (C'ERA UNA VOLTA IL CINEMA: SERGIO LEONE E I SUOI FILM). In 1987 he made a historical sixteen-hour interview with Fidel Castro (FIDEL), distributed in many countries, which, for the six documentaries made from that encounter, won him the Berlinale Kamera Award at the Berlin Film Festival in 2007.