Another Silence revolves around a powerful female character, and is the new film from Argentine director Santiago Amigorena (Quelques jours en septembre) presented on the eighth day of the Venice Days.
Mary (famous Canadian actress Marie-Josée Croze) is a police woman in Toronto whose husband and son are killed by a faceless murderer. Determined to get her revenge, she sets off on a journey that will take her to the border between Argentina and Bolivia, in a search for the killers and the people behind the murders.
A figure of “gunned woman” with a steely determination and a desperate look, a mixture of coldness (the tears are always restrained) and a fighting impulse: "A rare role for an actress. In the beginning I had some doubts about the screenplay," Croze told us, "but when I explained my concerns to Santiago he reassured me, I wanted to create a character that would be as credible as possible - after all, she is a policewoman, she has the weapon and decides to use it."
Presented as a contemporary Western and co-produced by France, Canada, Brazil and Argentina, Another Silence is a film about hate but also about forgiveness, which develops unpredictably. On the one hand, a killer who is prone to remorse ("I worked on the sense of guilt, to show a character who is dead inside, who loses his identity through this crime," explains actor Ignacio Rogers), on the other hand a woman who, in the process of rediscovering life, is no longer capable of killing. And the journey from freezing Toronto to hot and sunny Argentina leads to a boundless and blinding desert, where the character is finally able to scream out her pain and begin living again.