After having been presented at the Casa del Cinema in Rome on May 5, 2011, Indicinema, the federation of indipendent cinema, aslo arrives to Venice, hosted by the Venice Days. Made up of ANAC, Artisti Indipendenti2010, Conseguenze Network and FIDAC, Indicinema is a project which aims to, as stated in their constitutional deed, “create a multi-platform circuit for production and distribution for indipendent cinema”.

In Venice the new entity set itself the objective of interacting with cultural representatives from different political contexts, in order to find a first point of agreement on the strategies to be used in the immediate future. The meeting saw the attendance of several personalities from the world of cinema, such as Gianluca Arcopinto, Giulio Scarpati, Pasquale Scimenca, Fabrizio Ferrari and Adriana Chiesa, alongside people from the political sphere: Matteo Orfini, Stefania Brai, Umberto Croppi, Fabiana Santini, Giulia Rodano and Marco Furfaro. Indicinema’s president, Alessandro Rossetti, explains: “Indicinema is a cultural project, a tool which serves to give strength to an essential segment of cinema. When we decided together with ANAC to throw this hook into the world of culture, we didn’t expect such an empassioned response from the experts. There are so many bog-like stagnations in cinema which stop both young and old from properly expressing themselves. We ask politicians for the chance of building a path together”.

“Film is a form of knowledge» states Emanuele Cerman (Artisti Indipendenti 2010), adding: «in Italy this knowledge is partial, seeing as the great majority of films screened are American mega-production, whereas there is no trace of European ones. In addition, fiction is becoming the productive model of Italian cinema; we have to stop this process and go back to recounting the reality of our times.”.

Nino Russo (ANAC) talks of a real “genocide of ideas” taking place, caused by policies which are not at all careful to promote cultural initiative; “it is therefore the duty of historical associations and of politicians to do something, straight away”.

By acting at the same time on production and distribution, public and private investments, new spaces of visibility and emerging technologies, Indicinema could represent a breath of fresh air for the Italian film scene, an appropriate response to these fast-flowing times.
Francesco Bonerba