The screening of The Emperor of California by Luis Trenker (Germany 1936) was the final act of an entire day dedicated to the activities of BLS Südtirol Alto Adige (, a development and production company for the Alto Adige region, which is dependent on the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. BLS’s “Film Fund & Commission” department deals with services and financing for the audiovisual industry and is charged with promoting the area and provide assistance to productions committed to filming in Alto Adige.

The morning meeting, moderated by Giorgio Gosetti with guests Achim von Borries and Andrea Purgatori, was an opportunity to learn about BLS’ activities. Through the words of Christiana Wertz (BLS Head of Film Fund & Commission) we learnt about the specifics of this new initiative: Racconti#1 The Südtirol – Alto Adige Script Lab, a writing lab conceived for Italian and international scriptwriters with an idea for a film which has a strong link with the Alto Adige and which is based in one of the most untouched and isolated valleys of the Alto Adige, Val Sarentino, located only sixteen kilometres North of Bolzano.

The authors present their ideas for a film (fiction or documentary) or for a pilot episode of a television series. A commission of film industry experts selects the top ten ideas.
Consequently, the ten authors are invited to participate in Racconti #1 Script Lab. The participants will be able to spend a few days concentrating on developing the stories they want to tell, supported by a group of international creative consultants.
The author that will develop the best project, will, apart from participating to the Script Lab project, win a stay of about six weeks in Alto Adige and a scholarship worth € 2.000.

After the workshop, all the participants will have the opportunity of developing their own project through a series of online consultations.
In order to promote the ten projects selected, BLS will publish a brochure to distribute to interested producers at sector events. At the end of the Script Lab, BLS will select the three best projects and will invite the authors to present them during the co-production meeting Incontri #2, to an exclusive group of producers from Italy, Austria and Germany. Once a producer is found, the project can submit a request for pre-production financing from BLS.