With this appeal directors, actors, producers and Cinema artists, want to launch a message to the public opinion and to the institutions, to contribute with their voices and narrations to build a society less xenophobic and more ready to face immigration and dialogue with the new citizens.

We ask for:

1. Intensification of international efforts to reduce the slaughter of refugees running away from Libya. Facts happened since March 2011 until now are inhuman: civilians escaping from a Country under military attack leaved completely alone to face the sea, with a death toll of at least 1500 victims. Italy with international help, have to protect people running away from a war, in which Italy is directly involved with the declared purpose to safeguard civilians.
2. Acknowledgment for every refugee escaping from Libya of the possibility to obtain an humanitarian protection in Italy or, if clearly requested, an assisted repatriation in the country of origin.
3. Involvement to never repeat the wicked deportation policy, implemented in agreement with Gheddafi, despite complaints from international organizations. Deportations through the sea, neither to Libya nor to other countries, are unacceptable, but unfortunately it seems to happen in these last weeks to Tunisia.
4. Abolition of the “illegal immigration” crime, and the block of recently implemented 18 months long detention in the “CIE” (Centers for Identification and Expulsion): places where human rights and democracy are suspended and dignity is constantly humiliated. The organization and function of these centers needs to be entirely rebuilt. For this purpose we request the revocation of the ministerial law that prevents journalists and observers from accessing to the CIE.
5. Approval and financing of a wide program of cultural and social reception and integration. We claim not only for a deep reform of the so called “CARA” (Reception Camps for Asylum Seekers) - nothing more than aseptic and isolated dorms - but also for the activation of cultural paths, aimed at the mutual knowledge, relationship and reconstruction of an open, fair Society.
6. Recognition of whole citizenship to the “2g”, children of immigrants who have grown in Italy.

We will keep high attention level on these themes, in collaboration with the civil society and the Italian network of anti-racist organizations, furthermore we are ready to collaborate with our movies to cultural/educational projects in schools, universities, public libraries or any other meeting place throughout Italy.

First signatories
Andrea Segre, Guido Lombardi, Marco Paolini, Giuseppe Battiston, Valerio Mastrandrea, Elio Germano, Roberto Citran, Gaetano Di Vaio, Luca Bigazzi, Francesco Bonsembiante, Marco Tullio Giordana, Daniele Vicari, Daniele Gaglianone

We invite other directors, actors, producers and artists to support the appeal, sending a short text and their signature to: o via sms al +39 333 6127483

September 8th, 2.30 p.m. – Casa degli Autori, publications of the complete list of signatories and reading of selected messages sent by the artists