It has now become a tradition of the Venice Days and this year it’s even a distinctive trait: The Film Commission and regional cinema arrive in Venice to find their natural meeting point at the Casa degli Autori (which as from this year is the new venue for the Pagoda, in front of the Hotel des Bains). After all, without the valuable work done to rally financial support and without the professional links established over the years, even away from Cinecittà, a lot of the best of Italian cinema would not be made possible. From the Marche to Valle d’Aosta, from Campania to Piemonte, from the Alto Adige to Puglia all the way to Veneto (the ideal host), many are the regional realities represented this year at the Venice Days.  But particular stress is given to four of these productive “factories” in this year’s daily programme at the Casa degli Autori.
Following last year’s favourable outcome, this venue was chosen symbolically by the Marche Region to present the initiative “Showcasing the Marche’s Talents – Developing the Resources”.
Another custom which will be repeated is that of the Region of Puglia who, together with the governor Nichi Vendola, will present the activities of the Apulia Film Commission and the Bif&st 2012, directed by Felice Laudadio, in a morning dedicated to the marriage of film and food, on Wednesday, September 7.  It will be a very first for the Film Commission of Valle d’Aosta (very recently established) which arrives in Venice on September 2 with a toast to the wine and food of the mountains and with greetings from the President of the Regions, Augusto Rollandin, and from Luciano Barisone, charged with coordinating the activities for this new entity’s cinema.
Finally, September 6 sees the turn of the Film Commission BLS Südtirol Alto Adige, which is dedicating a whole day to the relationship between creativity and territory, with a workshop, an arthouse film restauration (the very original “The Emperor of California”, by Luis Trenker) and with a night of music and quality wines.