France 2011, 101’, 35mm, colour
directed by Vincent Garenq
screenplay VINCENT GARENQ with the collaboration of ALAIN MARÉCAUX SERGE FRYDMAN HUBERT DELARUE based on the novel Chronique de mon erreur judiciaire, ALAIN MARÉCAUX cinematography RENAUD CHASSAING editing DORIAN RIGAL-ANSOUS sound PASCAL JASMES AYMERIC DEVOLDERE PHILIPPE AMOUROUX art direction YVES BROVER
cast PHILIPPE TORRETON (Alain Marécaux) WLADIMIR YORDANOFF (Hubert Delarue) NOÉMIE LVOVSKY (Edith Marécaux) RAPHAËL FERRET (The judge Burgaud) MICHÈLE GODDET (Thessy) FARIDA OUCHANI (Myriam Badaoui) OLIVIER CLAVERIE (Général Attorney)
co-production FRANCE 3 CINÉMA
associate producer PATRICK QUINET
associate production ARTEMIS PRODUCTIONS RTBF
world sales FILMS DISTRIBUTION 34, rue du Louvre 75001 Paris, France Tel. +33 1 53103399 - Fax +33 1 53103398 -
press office Rendez-Vous, Viviana
Andriani Tel : +33 1 42 66 36 35 In Venice : +39 348 331 6681 viviana@rv-
synopsis Alain Marécaux is a bailiff. He has a family, a job, a nice house, a normal life. One night the police breaks in and handcuffs him and his wife. They are accused of the most dreadful of crimes: paedophilia. The true story of Alain Marécaux and his wife, crushed by one of the most important miscarriages of French justice system, the Outreau affair. “When beginning a new film project, the question of necessity should always be posed. When I discovered Alain Marécaux’s prison diary, the answer quickly became evident. Reading his account filled me with indignation, tears and anger. Never had I imagined that such a thing could be possible in France. It is this feeling of anger and indignation that I wanted to convey.” (Vincent Garenq)
Fashioned from a memoir based on fact, that recalls an outrageous miscarriage of justice, (very familiar in France, less so elsewhere) this enthralling drama grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go for its entire length. Although it has the relentless pace of a noir thriller GUILTY isn't a flashy genre piece. In fact it succeeds by its unvarnished matter of factness, the films attention to details projects an utterly ordinary reality, and a decent unheroic man (superbly portrayed by Phillipe Torreton) who has been ripped away from everyone he loves and everything he believed in. The catalogue of wrongs piles up and you become not only sympathetic but desperate for his salvation. As a result Vincent Garenq's film has a shattering emotional impact. (Adrian Wootton).
>Click here< to listen to the audio introduction to the film with exclusive extras, courtesy by Subti |