Giovanni Maderna
(Milano, 1973) in 1999 his film Questo è il giardino won the Luigi De Laurentiis Best Debut Film Award at the Venice Film Festival. In 2006 he began producing as well, with Schopenhauer. In 2007 he founded the production company Quarto Film.2010 Cielo senza terra 2006 Schopenhauer 2005 Bologna, 16-2-05, Giovanni Maderna e Antonio Moresco incontrano Alberto Grifi (doc) 2001 L’amore imperfetto 1999 Questo è il giardino 1998 Dolce Stil Novo (sm) 1997 Com’è bella la città (sm, doc) 1996 Jahillia (Occidente) (sm) 1995 La Place (sm)