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Jorge Navas

(Bogotá, Colombia, 1973) considered by the Colombian press one of the most influential “new talents” of domestic cinema, already has a considerable filmography. Through his work he has explored different genres and formats, including documentary, experimental video, music videos, commercial video and fictional shorts. These include his experimental feature film Calicalabozo and his short film Someone Killed Something, the latter which won numerous awards at home and abroad, including at the festivals of Clermont Ferrand, Cartagena and Latin Cinema in New York. Blood and Rain is his debut feature, which was awarded and backed in the screenwriting and pre-production phase by IBERMEDIA, the Hubert Bals Fund and Rotterdam’s Cinemart, as well as other national and foreign institutions.

Every night there are violent murders in Bogotá; every night there are abandoned corpses. In the middle of this loneliness and indifference, the authorities pick them up, leaving as a trace of their farewell only the blood that sprouted from their wounded bodies on the asphalt. It rains every night and this rain dilutes and cleans the blood from the streets, taking away, along with this dirty and mixed liquid, the traces and the memory to the sewers and drains, and they get lost underground, just like in the underground memory. These lost testimonies reveal the fact that things are not at all all right. The next day everything goes back to normal, to the powerless silence, to the traffic chaos and the pedestrians, to the ghost – like fear, to the pain on the wet streets.
Jorge Navas