The Board of Directors of the VENICE DAYS Association, which convened with the members assembly (of Italian audiovisual authors and film-makers associations) “unanimously praised Delegate Fabio Ferzetti for all his hard work and success from 2006 to 2008 and, in light of his decision to not renew his position for professional reasons, appointed journalist and film critic Giorgio Gosetti, currently a member of the Association, Delegate General of Venice Days 2009.”
Upon Gosetti’s request, the Board further established an “Executive Committee committed to sustaining the continued growth of Venice Days, in its relations with the international audiovisual industry (maintained by Sylvain Auzou) as well as its permanent projects.” The latter includes the initiative 100 + 1, spearheaded by Ferzetti and dedicated to spreading and teaching Italy’s cinematic patrimony. Giorgio Gosetti has said: “I am positive that the work on this project will continue in the best possible way during 2009 and I hope that Fabio Ferzetti will contribute to its growth and dynamism staying with us in this new enterprise.”
Founded in 2004 by Gosetti (who was appointed by the Italian filmmakers’ associations ANAC and API) and modeled after the Cannes Director’s Fortnight, VENICE DAYS quickly grew alongside the Venice Film Festival as an independent section of great international visibility, a meeting point for cultural debates and an event offering truly innovative works at the festival, as recognized by Biennale President Paolo Baratta and Marco Müller, artistic director of Venice.
For three of its five editions, a Venice Days title has won Lion of the Future for Best Debut Feature of the Venice Film Festival. Last year’s edition – the third directed by Ferzetti, now a member of the Venice Days Association – was teeming with films that picked up awards at numerous international festivals: Thessaloniki (Adrian Sitaru’s “Hooked” and Celina Murga’s “A Week Alone”), Stockholm (Czech film “A Country Teacher” by Bohdan Sláma), Göteborg (Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää’s “The Visitor”), Cottbus (Michal Rosa’s “Scratch”), Kerala (Uberto Pasolini’s “Machan”, which also won the Europa Cinemas Label at Venice) and Sundance (the only Italian film to be selected this year, “One Day in the Life” by Stefano Tummolini). Moreover, French title “Stella” by Sylvie Verheyde, distributed in Italy by Nanni Moretti’s Sacher Film, has become one of the surprise hits of the season in Italy.
“I’m happy and honored,” said Gosetti, “to return as head of a cultural project and event I have always believed in and to which I have remained tied over the years. The formidable drive and results of the most recent editions of Venice Days, as well as the current vitality of Italian filmmakers, inspire further renewal and new initiatives that reach beyond Venice Days. I accept this challenge that brings with it the privilege of the solid collaboration and support of Association President Roberto Barzanti and the Board of Directors, as well as excellent consultants such as Sylvain Auzou for our international relations and Fabio Ferzetti, who will ensure continuity of the project 100+1”.