Sabina Guzzanti During my experience with Viva Zapatero! (a film that points the finger at what is the real margin of freedom of speech in a western democracy), I was struck by the reactions of the public which I met all over Italy and in many other countries. The strong involvement to the events described in the movie was always mixed with a sense of impotence.
The questions from the public were always the same: what can we do? Will an honest politician emerge and save us? If the government changes will things go differently?
Thanks to globalization the power to regulate social life is not in the hands of politics any more.
After the question “what to do?” another, more unsettling one follows “Who on the basis of what power and with which resources will be able to achieve any idea of change?”
This is why I thought that my next work should confront this topic: How can we find trust in a project on reality? How can we find trust in our work, in our past, in our present, in others?
Sympathy for the lobster is an experiment on action, on the difficulty of organizing ourselves, of grouping together; it is a debate on the frustration and on the constant doubt on the usefulness of action and on possible strategies.
Sabina Guzzanti is a very popular actress-author of television and theatre satire in Italy, much feared by the ruling class. She has been a leading antagonist – both from television and from the stage – of the ruling class: in fact the objective of all of her shows is to unveil the evident faults, flaws and lies of politics through irony.
Besides theater and television during her career Sabina has written a number of screenplays, two collections of satirical songs, two books and directed two feature films. Her last film Viva Zapatero (2005), is a satirical documentary, written and directed by her, which confronts the problem of freedom of speech and has been a great international success participating to numerous and prestigious festivals and winning a number of prizes. It was shown at the Venice Film Festival and was part of the official selection at the Sundance Film Festival and at the Rotterdam Film Festival, among others, it was distributed worldwide.