Frédéric Fisbach
Frédéric Fisbach was born in 1966. After having studied at the National Drama School, he followed Stanislas Nordey as a member of the permanent troupe of the Gérard-Philipe Theater of Saint-Denis from 1991 to 1993, then at the Theater des Amandiers of Nanterre until 1997. Later, Frédéric Fisbach staged works of Paul Claudel, Vladimir Maïakovsky, Strinberg, Kafka, Barry Hall, Racine, Corneille, Fichet.
For the Opera house, he staged Gérard Pesson’s Forever Valley, François Sahran’s Kyrielle du sentiment des choses , Haëndel ‘s Agrippina, Brian Ferneyhough’s Shadowtime.
He obtained a diploma at Villa Medici in Japan in 1999, he directed Jean-Luc Lagarce’s Nous, les héros in Japanese in Tokyo and Oriza Hirata’s Tokyo Notes with a French and Japanese cast at la Villette in 2000. This French-Japanese collaboration continued with Les Paravents by Jean Genet staged at the National Theater of Colline in 2003. In 2005, Frédéric Fisbach directed Oriza Hirata’s Gens de Séoul in Japanese.
From January 2002, he directs the Studio-Théâtre de Vitry, where he created a research workshop which is open to "associated spectators”. From January 1st 2006, he is, together with Robert Cantarella, co-director of 104, rue d'Aubervillers in Paris.
Plum Rain is his first feature film.