photo gallery

Marina Spada

The idea for telling this story is strictly linked to the concept of “a look at the world”. In every day life, each one of us appears invisible to many others, and even when those who are near, such as relatives, friends and neighbours seem to “see us”, we often feel as we are not truly seen. We want to tell a story by using its visual fragments, through what is shown on the screen, but also through the clues of what will necessarily be left out. A “sideways look” which gives us an insight on what the actor on the screen sees behind us, and what we as the spectator with our eyes turned to the screen are unable to see. It is as if the characters on the screen were looking at us, and beyond us, seeing what surrounds us, taking us back to the present in every moment and forcing us to leave the protective shell of the dark theatre.
Marina Spada

Marina Spada’s professional work began in 1979 as assistant director for Rai on the film starring Benigni and Troisi Non ci resta che piangere. In the 1980’s she worked with some of the most important advertising agencies and directed numerous television programs and documentaries. From 1993 she alternates between teaching at the Milan Film School and her work as a director. Among her most important works are the video portraits of: Arnaldo Pomodoro, Fernanda Pivano, Francesco Leonetti, Gabriele Basilico, Mimmo Jodice, Mario De Biasi, the short movie L’astice, winner of national and International awards and the feature film Forza Cani.

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