WWW - What a Wonderful World Second feature film
year 2006 length 99' 35 mm colour Country France/ Morocco/ Germany
directed by Faouzi Bensaïdi
Screenplay Faouzi Bensaïdi
CastFaouzi Bensaïdi, Nezha Rahil, El Mahdi Alaaroubi, Hajar Masdouki, Fatima Atiff
Cinematography Gordon Spooner
Production Gloria Films - Laurent Lavolé and Isabelle Pragier
Co-production Agora Films - Bénedicte Bellocq and Souad Lamriki, Haimate Films - Bettina Brokemper and Johannes Rexin
International sales
Les Films du Losange – 22 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie – 75116- Paris
Tel. +33 1 44 43 87 24
Fax +33 1 49 52 06 40
Press office
Brigitta Portier
Alibi Communications
Raymond Lauwersstraat 37av
1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium
Tel.: 0032 - 477 98 25 84
In Venice: Unifrance - Hotel Excelsior
Tel.: +39 320 0426359
synopsis Casablanca, city of contrast, a modern and archaic city. Kamel, a contract killer, receives his orders by internet. He usually calls Souad to make love after his hits and, each time, Kenza answers the phone. She is a traffic policewoman. Kamel soon finds himself falling in love with her voice and tries to find her. She in turn falls in love with his face without knowing his voice. Everything gets entangled when Hicham, a professional hacker who dreams of going to Europe, accidentally infiltrates Kamel's orders.