Mientras tanto Second feature film
year 2006 length 92' 35 mm colour country Argentina / France
directed by Diego Lerman
Screenplay Diego Lerman and Graciela Spelanza
Cast Valeria Bertucceli (Eva), Maria Merlino (Violeta), Claudio Quinteros (Mono), Sergio Boris (Dalmiro)
Cinematography José Maria Gomez
Production Diego Dubcovsky, Daniel Burman, Fabianne Vonier
Co-producers Pyramide productions, El Campo cine, Film Suez, 791 cine, INCAA
World sales
Pyramide International - 5, rue du Chevalier de Saint George 75008 Paris (France)
Tel : +
Fax : +
synopsis A choral story in contemporary Buenos Aires.
A plot with several characters absurdly interwined.
A puzzle with many pieces.
A love story.
A unique dramatic comedy.
Violeta still doesn’t know if she wants to start a new life with Mono, her partner, or if she wants a separation. She seeks for answers in her dreams, in the past of her daughter, and in the lines of her hand …She needs time to think and to decide.