Azul oscuro casi negro First feature film
year 2006 length 105' 35 mm, colour Country Spain
directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo
Screenplay Daniel Sánchez Arévalo
Cast Quim Gutiérrez (Jorge), Marta Etura (Paula), Raúl Arévalo (Israel), Antonio de la Torre (Antonio), Héctor Colomé (Andrés)
Cinematography Juan Carlos Gómez
Production Tesela P.C.
International Sales
Sogepaq International - Leganitos 47 - 7º, 28013 • Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 91 758 31 30
Fax. +34 91 758 31 63
Sophie de Mac Mahon •sophiem@sogecable.com
Beatriz Setuain bsetuain@sogecable.com
synopsis AzulOscuroCasiNegro (darkbluealmostblack) is a state of mind, an uncertain future, a colour. A colour that we don't always recognize and which varies depending on the light, the medium and the mood.
After his father suffers a stroke, is forced to take over his job. He has spent the last few years working hard, caring for his father and finishing college, but now he wants to strike out on his own. Through his brother Antonio, he meets Paula, a woman with whom he develops an unusual relationship. Through her, Jorge learns to stop feeling responsible for everything and finally confront his own wishes, ignoring what the world expects of him. Everything should change for Jorge as a result....but it may not.
link Azul oscuro casi negro Web site