Giornate Degli Autori - Venice Days
1st edition
Venice, 2-11 September 2004
on the occasion of 61. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica


Article 1.
The first edition of Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days, promoted by ANAC (The National Association of Filmmakers) and by the authors of API (Independent Authors and Producers), will take place from September 2nd to 11th 2004, during the 61. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia
Article 2. Submissions requirements
Except for special cases, all films submitted to the Venice Days must fulfill the following requirements:
1) Films should have been produced after September 30, 2003;
2) Films can be screened in 35 mm, if selected;
3) Films should not have been screened in Italy in theatres, nor broadcasted on television, nor streamed on the Internet;
4) With the exception of foreign films in their country of origin, films should not have been presented to any International festival or major film event (except in the context of one film market).
5) for the 2004 edition, films must have been directed by filmmakers of European origin.
Article 3. Selection and programming
Films presented to Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days are chosen under the responsibility of the Director, appointed by ANAC and by the authors of API. The Director is assisted in the selection by an International consulting committee. Films are invited by the Director, who is the sole responsible of the calendar and the programming.
Article 4. Preselection
Opening date for submissions is June 24th 2004. Starting from this date, the entry form and the REGULATIONSs will be available on the website or by fax and email upon request.
Films subimtted to the preselection must be delivered to:
Studio Coop
Via Panaro, 17 - 00199 Roma, Italy
Tel +3906 8603111 Fax +3906 86213298
on 35 mm support, VHS or DVD screeners within July 15th 2004, together with their entry form.
For preselection are requested subtitles in English, French or Italian if the language of origin of the film differs from etiher these three languages.
Article 5. Prints submitted to preselection
For all films submitted to preselection of Venice Days, shipping, insurance and duty fees are all at submitter's charge for both shippings to and from Rome. Address of delivery for prints must be agreed with Studio Coop before the shipment.
Article 6. Prints of films selected
6.1 Shipping expenses
All transport costs to and from the Festival (including transport costs from Venice airport to Venice Lido and custom charges for films sent from outside the European Union), are to be borne by the participants.
6.2 Delivery addresses
Film prints sent within the European Union must instead be addressed directly to:
Giornate degli Autori c/o La Biennale di Venezia Settore Cinema
Palazzo del Cinema, Lungomare Marconi, 30126 Lido di Venezia, Italy
Tel. +39 041 2726501; Fax +39 041 2726520 c/c Studio Coop
Film prints sent from outside the European Union through the official shipping agent of the Biennale may be granted the status of temporary import, granted especially for the exclusive participation of a film at the Festival. Films sent by air freight must be addressed to the official shipping agent of the Biennale:
SATTIS - Via Roma 19/5 - 30174 Mestre-Venezia (Italia)
Destination: Aeroporto Marco Polo
Tel. + 39 041 5310854 - Fax +39 041 5313198, c/c Studio Coop
6.3 Shipping Insurance
All insurance costs covering the transport of films to and from the Festival are to be borne by those presenting the films.
6.4 Insurance
The organizers will provide an "all risks" insurance coverage for the prints for the entire period. The insurance value of a film may not exceed the average laboratory cost for a standard print. Furthermore, all necessary measures will be taken to safeguard the author's copyright protection.
Article 7. VHS tapes, DVD discs
VHS and DVD screeners for preselection must be sent to:
Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days
c/o Studio Coop
Via Panaro, 17 - 00199 Roma
Tel. +3906 8603111 fax +3906 86213298
with the mention "no commercial value - for cultural purpose only" if origin is a non-European Union country. Shipments by courier must be done with all costs at shipper's charge (duty fees, etc). This must be mentioned on the accompanying proforma invoice.
All screeners received are not restituted by Studio Coop. Exceptions can be made upon request of the sender and agreed reshipments can take place only at submitter's charge. After July 31st, all screeners will be destroyed by Studio Coop.
Article 8. Subtitling
All films selected by Venice Days must be presented in Venice in original version with English subtitles (or French if the language of origin of the film is English). This subtitling is at producer's charge.
Prorducer also engages to provide to Studio Coop the dialog list and a screener of the film, required for the electronic subtitling in Italian (or French if the language of origin of the film is Italian and it has English subtitles).
Articolo 9. Selected films
Upon request of Studio Coop, producers must provide for each selected film the requested publicity materials required for the official catalog and the Venice Days' and the Biennale's website.
Furthermore, a VHS, dialog list and Beta excerpts/trailer of each film must be provided. Beta clips will be used by the TV channels accreditated at the Press Office of the Mostra during the Festival, and later only if authorized by the producer. Clips will be also streamed on Venice Days' and Biennale's website. All materials published on the website will remain available with no time limit after the Festival.
Prints of the films screened at Venice Days must be in 35 mm only, in perfect technical conditions. Verification of the quality must be done before the delivery in Venice.
It is strongly advised to produce about 1.000 copies of pressbooks for each film presented, to deliver to the Press Office of the Mostra for the accreditated press. Also advised is production of side publicity materials (posters, 15 copies of beta clips) of each film.
Article 10. Dates, times and locations of the screenings
The program of Venice Days will be communicated to participants at the begininnig of August 2004. If Venice Days wishes, a press screening of selected films can be organized prior to the festival. No opposition by the rights owner is possible.
Dates, times and locations of the screenings may be changed by Venice Days with no deadline. Prior advise to the interested shall be anyway issued.
Article 11. Awards
All first feature films presented at Venice Days are eligible for the "Luigi De Laurentiis" award, organized and promoted by the Mostra.
All European feature films (based on the criteria set by the Europa Cinemas association) presented at Venice Days is eligible for the "Europa Cinemas Label " award.
Article 12. Repeatitions
All films selected by Venice Days are presented at "Venezia a Roma - Venice in Rome" and "Venezia a Milano - Venice in Milan" events, organized by Agis-Anec in cooperation with the Mostra and this with no exception. The producer of each film must inform the Italian right owner of his film, if existing, and the International sales agent of this obligatory repeat screening.
Venice Days may be invited to hold repat screenings elsewhere in Italy or abroad.
Article 13. Promotion
The producer of each film selected at Venice Days engages to include the logo of Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days in all promotional materials accompanying the commercial release of his film in any country (posters, trailers, theatrical prints). Logo of Venice Days is available on the website or can be requested at Studio Coop.
Article 14. Responsabilities of the organizers
Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days engage to use the information provided on the entry forms according to the Privacy Act (D.Lgs.196/2003).
Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days declines any responsability for registration applications not received.
The Board of ANAC and the Authors of API have the right to settle any all cases not mentioned in the present REGULATIONSs. They reserves the right to suspend, cancel, or postpone the event or to modify the REGULATIONSs, at any time, according to the requirements of its expolitation. No compensation of any kind can be made to the participants.
Participation to Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days implies acceptance of the aforementioned REGULATIONSs.
These REGULATIONSs and entry form are only valid for Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days selection. Selections for other sections of the Mostra are processed by distinct entities:
- Venezia 61, Corto Cortissimo, Orizzonti, Mezzanotte, Digitale: Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica (
- Settimana Internazionale della Critica: Sindacato Nazionale Critici Cinematografici Italiani (